Monday, February 18, 2013

Nike taking over

Attached is a youtube video of an advertisement Nike ran 6 years ago with regard to Brazil and soccer.

I read an article about how the world cup sort of speeds up a company's process of going into an emerging market.  Nike has successfully planned this whole ordeal in order for their brand to boom internationally with the World Cup as well as the Olympics being held in Brazil.  They liked the economy of Brazil even before figuring out this information and knew it would be a great place for them to establish some brand loyalty with customers.  The big events have just been an enormous added bonus for the company.  Recently, Brazil has been one of the few countries to rise out of economic recessions due to the value of their commodities such as iron ore and oil.  Brazil now has the feeling of being the "country of the future" and these upcoming sporting facilities will just speed up that process for them.  Because of Nike's large size they were able to take this Brazilian opportunity by spending so much money trying to promote their brand in Brazil and it seems that they really lucked out with the country getting two of the biggest sporting events in the world.  Will Nike take over the entire South America soccer market might be a better question than can they become equal to Adidas...

-Harris Fanaroff


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